Behavioural modification training is the backbone of addressing undesirable behaviour in pets. This alone can correct behaviour and improve patient and client quality of life. Yet, with the rise in generalised anxiety, dog aggression and fear aggression behaviours since COVID-19, behaviourists and quality trainers are overrun. With clinics being short staffed it’s challenging to do a thorough workup to decide on the appropriate treatment. As we all know, even if we do, sometimes training and monotherapy alone aren’t enough to calm down these stressed, destructive, and sometimes dangerous animals.
Diesel (33kg, M/N Staffordshire Terrier) was adopted from a shelter at 18 months old. With an unknown history, and destructive and aggressive behaviours, he was returned to the shelter twice to be put back up for adoption. The shelter team attempted behavioural modification along with fluoxetine, however, this failed as he was unsuited to shelter life. After a desperate plea to the local community, they found a young couple willing to take him on with at least one of the owners being home all the time.
Over a period of 6 months Diesel settled in, continued behavioural training and gradually became more comfortable with life. Despite these improvements, the new owners were becoming fatigued with him barking and ‘going off’ at unfamiliar people walking by their home. It was disruptive for work and social events. They attempted environmental enrichment and modification by blocking his view of people walking past. This only served to increase his undesirable barking behaviour as he would bark based on aural stimulus instead. The barricade was removed, and the owners were regrettably considering returning him to the shelter. The behaviourist, clients and veterinary team agreed to trial human grade CBD oil made in Australia. This CBD oil was produced inline with Good Manufacturing Practices and was used in conjunction with his current therapy. His dosing schedule was as followed:
- 40mg Fluoxetine orally, once daily
- 60mg (2mg/kg) CBD oil orally, every 12-hours.